| Thumbs up صدمه لكل من يدخل جميع ما تحتاج من برامج كامله هنا وعلى ارض الابداع فقط على برامج:منتديات سيدي عامر | |
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MeSsI معلومات العضو
الجنس : البلد : الْمَشِارَكِات : 4640 السٌّمعَة : -11 الْعُمْر : 25
| موضوع: Thumbs up صدمه لكل من يدخل جميع ما تحتاج من برامج كامله هنا وعلى ارض الابداع فقط على برامج:منتديات سيدي عامر الأربعاء يناير 26, 2011 6:25 am | |
اعود اليكم مره اخرى ولاكن هذه المره بمجموعه من القنابل الموقوته ( جميعالبرامج التى يحتاج اليها اى حاسب فالعالم كامله نعم كامله والمفاجاهباحدث الاصدارات )
ساقوم بعرض الموضوع بتنظيم كى اسهل عليكم عناء البحث عن علاقه اى برنامج بالاستخدامات المختلفه
الترتيب سيكون كالتالى
Utilities / Office Multimedia / Design Internet / Network Security Operating Systems Desktop Tools
اولا Utilities / Office
Alcohol 120% 2.0
انه المعمل المتكامل لل cd/dvd فهو يقوم بكل ما تحتاج بخصوص نسخالاسطوانات واحفظها على جهاذ قم بتشغيلها بسرعه تزيد 200 مره عن الطبيعىوهو داعم للكثير الذى ستكتشفونه بانفسكم وبالداخل المفاجأت
Alcohol 120% 2.0 Alcohol 120%
Alcohol 120% is CD/DVD emulation and recording software that allowsusers to copy discs. Store your most used or important CDs as images onyour computer and run them at 200x speed from up to 31 virtual CD orDVD drives. Alcohol is compatible with more than 99% of drivesavailable. It supports the latest image file types including - MDS,CCD, BIN, CUE, ISO, CDI, BWT, BWI, BWS, BWA and many more.
11.2 MB | Megaupload - Hotfile
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CCleaner 2.29
طبعا هو غنى عن التعريف انه الاروع فى مجال تنظيف الملفات الغير مرغوب فيهويجعل جهازك نظيف تماما منها وهذا ما يوءدى الى سرعه فائقه لجهازك
CCleaner 2.29
CCleaner (Crap Cleaner) is a freeware system optimisation tool. Thatremoves unused and temporary files from your system - allowing it torun faster, more efficiently and giving you more hard disk space. Thebest part is that it's fast! (normally taking less that a second torun) and Free.
3 MB | Megaupload - Hotfile
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Sandboxie 3.44
يجعل برامجك تعمل فى مساحه معزوله بحيث تحمى البرامج الاساسيه فى جهازك محميه من التدخل بها او تلفها السهم الاحمر يوضح التغيرات التى يقوم بها برنامج يعمل الى الهارد ديسك البوكس الاعلى على جهاز يعمل بدون هذا البرنامج فلاحظ دخول الاحمر بالازرق اى تدخل من البرامج فالنظام والبوكس السفلى يوضح ان البرنامج يعمل فقط فى منطقه معزوله وهيه البوكس الاحمر الداخلى
Sandboxie 3.44 + Keygen
Sandboxie runs your programs in an isolated space which prevents themfrom making permanent changes to other programs and data in yourcomputer. The red arrows indicate changes flowing from a runningprogram into your computer. The box labeled Hard disk (no sandbox)shows changes by a program running normally. The box labeled Hard disk(with sandbox) shows changes by a program running under Sandboxie. Theanimation illustrates that Sandboxie is able to intercept the changesand isolate them within a sandbox, depicted as a yellow rectangle. Italso illustrates that grouping the changes together makes it easy todelete all of them at once.
1.4 MB | Megaupload
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Vista Manager 4.0
واضح من الاسم انه متعلق بتنظيف واداره الاجهزه التى تعمل على نظام فيستا مما يجعل جهازك يعمل بسرعه عاليه
Vista Manager 4.0.1
Vista Manager is a powerful system utility which helps you to optimizeand tweak, clean up your Windows Vista. It will increase you systemspeed, improve system security and suit your idea!
9 MB |Megaupload - Hotfile
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Winrar 3.92
الجميع يعرفه فهو الرائع فى مجال الملفات المضغوطه
Winrar 3.92 x32 & x64 + Keygen
WinRAR is a 32-bit / 64-bit Windows version of RAR Archiver, thepowerful archiver and archive manager. WinRAR's main features are verystrong general and multimedia compression, solid compression, archiveprotection from damage, processing of ZIP and other non-RAR archives,scanning archives for viruses, programmable self-extractingarchives(SFX), authenticity verification, NTFS and Unicode support,strong AES encryption, support of multivolume archives, command lineand graphical interface, drag-and-drop facility, wizard interface,theme support, folder tree panel, multithread support and Windows x64shell integration. WinRAR provides complete support for RAR and ZIParchives and is able to unpack and convert CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE,UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, Z, 7-Zip archives.
5 MB |Megaupload - Hotfile
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Download Tuneup Utilities 2010
لن اتحدث عنه فالبرنامج معروف بامكانياته لدى الجميع فى تنظيم الجهاز وجعله يعمل بصفه ممتاذه والبرنامج مرفق معه السيريال
Tuneup Utilities 2010 9.0.3100.22 with Serial
TuneUp Utilities 2010 can make your Windows operating system faster,more comfortable and more secure with just a few mouse clicks. And alloperations performed on the operating system are completely safe,because all changes are monitored by TuneUp Rescue Center and can beundone at any time. All TuneUp Utilities modules can be accessedthrough a common interface that is divided into six categories.
38 MB | Megaupload - Hotfile
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Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0
اليكم هذا الرائع والمتكفل بضمان ان القرص الصلب يظل سليم
Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0 + Serial
Acronis Disk Director Suite The best partition and disk managementsoftware utility to help you manage the hard drive, recoveraccidentally lost or deleted partitions, install and boot multipleoperating systems on your computer. Acronis Disk Director includes thefollowing utilities:Acronis Partition Manager allows you to resize,move, copy, split, and merge partitions without losing your dataAcronisBoot Manager is a multi-boot software utility that allows you toinstall multiple operating systems on your PCAcronis Partition Recoveryallows you to recover accidentally lost or deleted partitionsAcronisDisk Editor is a disk drive repair tool that allows you to performadvanced operations on your hard disk drive, such as restoration ofboot records and hexadecimal editing.
67 MB | Megaupload - Hotfile
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System Mechanic 9.5
اجعل جهاذك القديم يعمل كانه جديد بهذا العملاق
[center] How to activate System Mechanic 9
01. Install System Mechanic as a time-limited trial.
02. During installation: - UNCHECK "System Shield 4" - UNCHECK "Send me an email when a new ActiveCare report is ready for viewing" - UNCHECK "Launch System Mechanic 9"
03. Do NOT run System Mechanic after installation.
04. Run the SysMech Activator v3.1.
05. Click the tab "Already installed" and select all three (3) options: "Reset license information", "Subscribe offline for", and "Expires on".
06. Select the preferred expiry date at "Expires on".
07. Click "Select target component".
08- The install folder of System Mechanic will open and select "SysMech.exe".
09. System Mechanic will start and click on "Enter license information".
10. Go to the tab "Fake keymaker" of the SysMech Activator v3.1.
11. Select the correct program and generate a code.
12. Copy the code to System Mechanic and click OK.
System Mechanic + Activator
System Mechanic 9 Make your old PC run like new. Keep your new PCrunning fast and problem-free. System and registry clutter will degradeyour computer's performance, leading to crashes, longer boot times, andsystem errors. System Mechanic combines over 40 powerful PC tuneuptools to clean hard drive clutter, repair your registry, defragmentdrives and memory, manage programs, boost your Internet connection, andremove spyware.
65 MB | Megaupload - Hotfile
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ABBYY FineReader Pro 10
هذا البرنامج يفوق الوصف فالتعامل مع ملفات ال pdf
ABBYY FineReader Pro + Patch
ABBYY FineReader Pro is an intelligent OCR and PDF conversionapplication that turns PDF files, scanned images and digitalphotographs into truly editable and searchable formats with optimalaccuracy and layout retention. This latest version of award-winningFineReader line features revolutionary Adaptive Document RecognitionTechnology (ADRT) that analyzes the entire document rather thanindividual pages and precisely reproduces an editable and format-ablefile with true text flow as well as original layout, style andformatting attributes.
380 MB |Megaupload - Hotfile
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Advanced Uninstaller Pro 10
يحزف اى برنامج من جزوره وبه العديد والعديد من المفاجأت الاخرى فقط احجز نسختك
Advanced Uninstaller Pro 10 + Crack
Advanced Uninstaller Pro uninstalls programs quickly and completelyusing its simple, fast and clear interface. Easy to read informationand help is readily available throughout the program, guiding you everystep of the way. This program helps your PC run at its full speed bytaking good care of the registry and services. It also helps you freedisk space by detecting and removing duplicate files and helping youturn on Windows file compression if needed. The Installation Monitorcan watch all the actions that a program performs on your computerwhile it installs.
30 MB | Megaupload - Hotfile
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ننتقل الى القسم الثانى Multimedia / Design
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5
لا اريد ان اقول لكم سوى ابدعو ابدعوو ابدعووو مع هذا المتالق فى عالم الجرافيك والرسم
Corel DRAW Graphics Suite X5 15.0
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 lets you tackle creative graphics anddesign projects with confidence. Precision tools, market-leading filecompatibility and high-quality content help you turn your creativeideas into professional results: from distinctive logos and signs, tostriking marketing materials and eye-catching web graphics. Precisiontools, market-leading file compatibility and high-quality content helpyou turn your creative ideas into professional results: fromdistinctive logos and signs, marketing materials to striking andeye-catching Web graphics.
500 MB | Megaupload - Hotfile
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Quicktime Pro 7.6
QuickTime Pro v 7.65
The QuickTime 7 family of digital media creation, delivery and playbacksoftware lets you deliver live or pre-recorded video and audio to anaudience of any size. When combined with QuickTime Player and QuickTimePro, these applications work together to provide the industry firstend-to-end, standards-based digital media delivery system.
30 MB | Megaupload - Hotfile
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AutoCAD 2010
الاوتوكاد الرسام الرائع بتقنيه حديثه جدا
Autodesk AutoCAD 2010 x32 x64
Autodesk AutoCAD Design and shape the world around you with thepowerful, flexible features found in AutoCAD design and documentationsoftware, one of the world's leading 2D and 3D CAD tools. Speeddocumentation, share ideas seamlessly, and explore ideas moreintuitively in 3D. With thousands of available add-ons, AutoCADsoftware provides the ultimate in flexibility, customized for yourspecific needs. It's time to take design further. It's time for AutoCAD.
1.5 GB | Rapidshare - Megaupload
طريقه التفعيل
1.Install Autodesk AutoCAD 32/64 Bit 2.Use as Serial 666-69696969, 667-98989898, 400-45454545 .. or anything matching this template 3.Use as Product Key 527B1 or 462B1 (read below) 4.Finish the installation & restart Autodesk Product 5.Choose to Activate 6.Once at the activation screen: Start XFORCE Keygen 32/64bits 7.Click on Mem Patch (you should see succeeded) 8.Copy the request code into the keygen and press generate 9.Now copy the activation code back to the activation screen and click Next YOu have a fully registered autodesk product
سأوافيكم بباقى برامج هذا القسم وباقى الاجزاء كامله ولدى الكثير والكثيرمن المفاجأت فى وقت لاحق لانى اعمل على هذا الموضوع منذ ساعات عفوا وارجوان تنال البرامج اعجابكم
[/center] | |
| | | CoLoNeL lOtFi معلومات العضو
الجنس : البلد : الْمَشِارَكِات : 2172 السٌّمعَة : 3 الْعُمْر : 29
| موضوع: رد: Thumbs up صدمه لكل من يدخل جميع ما تحتاج من برامج كامله هنا وعلى ارض الابداع فقط على برامج:منتديات سيدي عامر الأربعاء يناير 26, 2011 6:33 am | |
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| | | | Thumbs up صدمه لكل من يدخل جميع ما تحتاج من برامج كامله هنا وعلى ارض الابداع فقط على برامج:منتديات سيدي عامر | |
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